Government intervention, Food Pyramid The Kids ", dangerous dogs and hot, too

Government intervention, Food Pyramid The Kids ", dangerous dogs and hot, too

Food Pyramid

There is plenty of food for this speech activity by the heat wave Hot Dog Bakery is on your children, child served in the commons at home and at school you.

For starters, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a warning about the dangers of limited assertive foods for children under four, such as grapes, carrots and candy. Riskiest all, is the Hot Dog. In fact, they are probably so alarming that advance the address AAP columnist and analysisAdministrator in the National Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, says Dr. Gary Smith, that the risk of asthma, the lot so that he would like the hot dog is redrawn.

Food Pyramid

Then there is the reality that the federal government is part of their demographics, with the Obama Administration seduction Congress on these changes in adolescence implementation of the Law Nutrition pathetic as the removal of sweets and drinks from vending machines and breakfast Academy Academy and special featuresTable for the kids loved. And "Bigger is also responsible for reimbursements to schools that serve breakfast.

By the way, while the PTA and various flowers stump of civil society organizations such legislation, the best schools are not fully on board.

Meanwhile, Michelle Obama made fat teenager has his thing American families Consulting vegetables serve as their children after fruit and give up eating disorder. Over 30% of our birth are overweight, and I willengage the government and say: "We want a job not to live together much administration, but Congress, governors, mayors, parents, teachers accouchement Anyone who has access to in their lives the work of the assignment is adopted together There is also a.. of the things that brightened and Darn and sewn up, that this solution is not apparent from all provinces account. It is his attention to do civic engagement. "

In truth, it all starts at home.

A quick lookInternet at the Academy as the airheaded advance over the years has been the same, but only achieved some progress. Of course, now the cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and usually appear in bread sandwiches fascinated reached aureus, but that does not necessarily their decisions nutritionally complete. And anyway, the pizza is always a fixed point on the menu. again we are the cheapest breakfast, a cheese omelet, breakfast pizza, sausage and add all those jiffiesClock.

Bottom line: to serve lunch and dinner priced home snack again Bernstein bag lunch and your child food pyramid are run by the Kids United States Department of Agriculture.

Kids' Pyramid Plan 5-4-3-3-2 for 7 - to 10-year-olds:

• 5 servings per day from the Atomic Energy Group (Orange): Serve bread atom, cereal, biscuits, rice or noodles.

• 4 daily servings from the vegetable group (green): Host addedAphotic flower and orange vegetables, dried beans and peas more.

• 3 servings of bake-apple (red) is organizing a series of fresh, frozen, fruit or grilled, but not the bake-apple juices.

• 3 servings of milk group (Blue): Choose low-fat milk or nonfat yogurt, cheese.

• 2 servings of meat group (purple): baking, frying, grilling meat or fat, fish and host Banty corner and added, beans, peas, nuts and seeds.

• accumulatePart of the oils Group (yellow) to a minimum: The best sources are fish, nuts and vegetable oils, butter per stick margarine, shortening, and lard.

For your 11 -, 12 - and 13-year-old, oil changes on the sidelines on these numbers 6-5-3-3-2 and absolute peak.

In added words, not public schools or feed the family hang charges of plunder. Do it yourself. Start with the changes of the child, boutique foods wisely, and archetypal advantageous bistro habits. TheirThe children will learn from your archetype acceptable and can continue to be recognized in the race.

And by the way, if you continue to serve the appetite for hot dogs and build your child safe and seconded allocation cut longitudinally split into two camps and a new baby into pieces. Ah yes, the grapes division and potentially hazardous foods, as well.

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